
Creative knitwear design 2

For the teacher

In this knitwear design task, the goal is to build a new surface. The knitted articles can be brought from home or obtained from recycling. The idea for the surface design can be based on a painting, with the students seeking to copy its essence in the knitted articles, for example. The pattern can be copied from a suitable knitted article that has been brought in as material. 

Creative knitwear design 2

  • Choose several different items of clothing made of knitted fabric.These items should be as similar in type as possible. 
  • Choose a pattern for the product (e.g. a shirt). 
  • Assemble the pieces of knitted fabric into a new surface with your chosen structure. Pin the cut pieces in place and sew them together into intact surfaces that are sufficient for the pattern’s shape. 
  • Consider the details, such as the neckline, hem, sleeve cuffs and decorations. 
  • Sew the product together according to a normal work plan. 
  • Add the final touches and inspect the product. 
  • Photograph the product on a customer or yourself. 
  • Consider what can be made from the cutting waste or how you will recycle it. 
  • Document the whole process.